Wednesday, 24 August 2022
Black Metal Veins
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
If they made The Crow today.....
What bands and artists would you think would be on the soundtrack? That OST for The Crow is still just a great alternative music compilation album, some big acts and some slightly more obscure ones but all good repping different parts of what the scene was back in the mid 90s. But if they were doing one now, with the dearth if not the death of MTV and alt radio its hard to really say whats big or current in underground music, unless you're in a major urban centre with a healthy live scene (or like, usually when the apocalypse lurghy isn't haunting us around every corner). I myself have a few ideas of what I'd like to see which I will share but I'd like to hear from other people (assuming anyone actualy reads these things which doesn't appeear to be the case :)).
What artists do you think would be a good representation of where the scene is at right now, or what alt music have you heard recently that you think would match any of the emotional beats of the comic(s) if you're familliar with the source material (O'Barr himself said the music he was listening to which fed into the vibe of the comic book as he was creating it was Iggy Pop, and all your classic 1st wave goth and alt rock groups, Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cure)?
The following is my personal recreation of what I personally think would / should be on there.
1. 3Teeth
Yeah? I mean in terms of bands that have come up in the last decade or so are really flying the flag for our thing and doing it well 3Teeth have been at the forefront of a revivial of the old WaxTraxx sound and returning a bit of cred to a scene mired down in cheese.
2. She Wants Revenge
This track has been used on AHS and is I think a recognised classic and their stuff is mostly pretty good (decent live too). Seems like a no-brainer. Probably the closest non-legacy band to the sounds that inspired O'Barr, mostly for the fact that they're just straight up doing the goth post-punk formula really well.
3. Chelsea Wolfe
Just as the original had some slower more emotional moments and some transcendently pretty female vocal led tracks to bring the punch of those moments out, if we're looking at contemporary artists I think a bit of Chelsea would do rightly for capturing the more melancholy emotional beats of the story.
4. Ghostemane
I feel like this is an artist that should be on there as much because he represents something genuinely new thats happened to the scene and something very current because he's fucking sick and has a range of tracks already that could be inserted into that narrative.
5. Adam X
Hearing some genuinely good contemporary techno during the nightclub scenes in The Batman when I went to see it last weekend is one of the things that had me on the train of thought that led to this post, like if there was something simmilar happening in The Crow, what would be appropriate? I was thinking some german EBM-Techno like this or some Ancient Methods, Vatican Shadow, Regis or something like that, or maybe something a bit harder like:
6. Paula Temple
which bangs a bit more, is more discordant, abstract and aggy in general.
7. Bob Vylan
Coming back around to more guitar led music, RATM had a track, as did the Henry Rollins band so you'd want some sort of punk represented and Bob Vylans grime inflected-punk, usually with very angry political messaging would seem like a good succesor
8. Turnstile
These lads dropped one of the big scene albums of last year and they've done some really interesting electronic crossover stuff with Mall Grab so you could go that way instead?
9. Spirit Box
Feels like this group could be part of the conversation here as well, since they blew up pretty big very recently and represent a more contemporary sound in Metal that feels very now
Harking back one again to contemporary takes on the sounds of Post-Punk that inspired the comic. IDLES is one of the groups out now taking on and pushing that sound.
11. Rein
12. Petbrick
13. Roly Porter (for the score)
14. Ice Nine Kills
And finally, this has all been pretty speculative so far, these guys already have one in the bag waiting to go. BTW the video starts with a bit of a skit and the actual track is about halfway through the video if you're watching the link. I dunno how much I like this band in general, feels a bit gimmicky because thats exactly what it is, but it also is kind of good, so....? eh. People do seem to like them though.
If we're talking about bringing anyone back, of the artists that were on there originally The Cure and Nine In Nails (or Trent paired back up with Atticus Ross) would be great. Trent would indeed be worthy and experienced candidate for just score duties.
You know its going to happen one day, in fact the latest seems to be that its on its way out of development hell and looking like a real prospect for some time before the middle of the decade (not that we haven't heard that one before, but still). Lets hope at least one of the producers will get to read this (Lily, or Lana, girls, I know at least one of yous got a secret account here, c'mon lets make this happen!), or at least that as much care is taken with the OST and score and any other musical content with the new one as was with the original.
If anyone reading this has suggstions, feel free to comment!
Sunday, 14 August 2022
Sadowicz and the culture war
I've seen Sadowicz's stand up since I was a kid and have seen him perform recently too. He's also a brilliant personal magician and card trickster, he wrote the text books that you by if you want to learn stage magic. The shows are as he puts it "card tricks with 'patter'", the "patter" in question being the rawest, purposefully offensive un-PC, bunch-of-old-guys-on-a-building-site-level craĆc, directed at his audience, other stand ups, anything else going on in the world at the moment and especially himself.
I have seen him tell the most racist and sexist joke I have ever heard in my entire life, an impressive feat for a 2-line gag.
I've seen him go up to a person in the front row at his gig in a wheel-chair and say "for my next trick I'm going to make this cunt get up and walk!" to their obvious amusement and delight
Apparently what specifically got him into trouble this time is calling Rishi Sunak a "Paki" and gettting his dick out on stage. Both those things are pretty much par for the course for one of his shows, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary and it seems like the climate has just changed.